Hangman Bot



Before now the Hangman Bot has only ever been available in English and Arabic versions. On the 7th October we are introducing a completely new Hangman Bot! It has amazing new graphics, supports multiple languages and even has a cool new character - a rhino!  

Here's the technical stuff you need to know:

We will remove one bot (ID 18290958) from the store and merge all current subscriptions and scores into one (ID 18290953) which will now follow instructions in all different languages. There will no longer be a separate English Hangman Bot and Arabic Hangman Bot.

Users who currently have the existing arabic version of the existing Hangman Bots in their group will not need to do anything; the ID will remain the same and you will not see any changes.

Users who currently have the existing English version will see this Bot leave and the new one join. 

For Groups that currently have both bots, one bot (ID 18290958) will leave on the day of launch and its subscription will be added to that of the other bot which will remain in the group. This means users who currently have both bots will save money on renewal. 

Once these changes have taken effect you will find it as usual in the Palringo store.

Your auto renew settings will be respected and wont change when this upgrade happens. To change your settings or to check them please follow the link:

Link to My Account Transactions

Other changes as part of the improvement include:

  • Support of multiple languages: type !h languages to see which ones.
  • A new total command 
  • A new Achievement (live after the bot merge only)
  • Toggle between MP and text only mode
  • Clear group leaderboard scores ability added
  • New commands to display group leaderboard and to display personal rank



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