Remove Bots from your group

Have bots in your group you want to remove?

This simple guide will show you how to remove them from your group. Note you need to be the owner of the group.

Visit and log into your Palringo Account, once you have logged into your account make your way to RENEWALS and click/tap View All to see your Bots and Message Packs.

Inside the RENEWALS section you will see all of your active/expired Message Packs and your active/expired Bots.

To remove a Bot, scroll to the bottom of the page to the see Group Products (this where the bots are), from here you will want to click/tap the red 'X' on the Bot you would like to remove and finally press Remove to confirm.

In this example we will be removing the Hangman Bot

Once confirmed the Bot will no longer in that group.

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