Home page explained.

The home screen is your starting point from which to access the rest of the Palringo app and contains many options and icons.


If you click on your avatar it will take you to your profile page


From here you can access your settings menu (The Cog in the top left), change your online status and log off (Green circle in the top right), access the store, view your achievements and access the invite center. At the bottom of the screen there are ways to access the rest of the app.


From left to right.

1:- home: allows you to access the home screen from anywhere on the app.

2:- Discover: allows you to find new Groups to join and chat with.

3:- Chat:Allows you to access and view all of your active chats, both private and groups.

4:- Groups: this lists all the groups you are apart of.

5:- contacts : this shows all of your online and offline contacts.

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