DRM-protected songs

What are DRM-protected songs and why they cannot be played in WOLF

Some music downloaded from Apple Music or iTunes may contain copy protection known as DRM, or Digital Rights Management. This prohibits playback in any software other than Apple Music or iTunes.

Library Picker

iOS allows your Media Library to be shared for use in other apps, such as WOLF. As you may have thousands of songs in your Library, we have hidden any DRM-protected songs to help you easily find the songs you can play.

If you have manually ripped a CD or downloaded a music track from another source that doesn’t apply DRM, it will be visible for you to select.

Document Picker

iOS allows you to browse your iCloud Drive folder and select any music tracks stored there. Any  DRM-protected songs will be selectable and loaded into the WOLF DJ but only at this point can we determine if there is any DRM-protection or not. If a selected song is DRM protected, the app will present you a warning dialogue and it will not be playable

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